Nurturing Nature: Growing Responsible and Creative Kids

Exposing children to the environment and teaching them about sustainability has numerous benefits for their health, happiness, and future. Nature experiences have been shown to improve affect and cognition, leading to enhanced well-being and a sense of wonder and respect for the natural world.

On the other hand, sustainability education has been found to foster critical thinking skills and integrative approaches, contributing to the development of competences and the benefits of teaching sustainability. By integrating sustainability principles into education, children can develop critical and creative thinking skills, as well as social and emotional skills, making them more responsible and compassionate citizens. Such an approach can inspire children to care for the planet and themselves, promoting a sustainable mindset from an early age.

Therefore, it is crucial to incorporate sustainability education into children’s learning experiences to cultivate a sense of responsibility and care for the environment.

_ Bratman et al., 2015

_ Lozano et al., 2022

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